Eventful Summer

For the past several weeks, I was contracted to shoot not only several portraits, but 10 events (2 of which I volunteered for). Blogging about them individually would overwhelm you guys, so here’s an overview of what I’ve been doing for the past 2 months since I’ve been in Arlington!

1. Washington-Lee Prom

I already blogged about this here and here, but here are my favorite pictures from the event anyway!

2. Flint Hill Spring Concert

This group of 4th graders performed several different acts for a crowd of parents – they played flutes, sang, and practiced traditional Ghanaian African drumming and dancing.

3. Bishop O’Connel All Night Grad Party

These lucky seniors got to spend an entire night as a class in a Sport&Health with full access to the gyms, pools, and activities as a final event before graduation.

4. Yorktown Prom

I was so excited when I was asked to photograph Yorktown prom. As an alumni, I gladly took the opportunity to visit my old friends and teachers who came to the event. Since my prom last year, the venue had been redone and was better than ever.

5. Washington DC Breeze vs New York Empire AUDL

Combining my love of Ultimate and photography is definitely one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I had the absolute best time photographing this pro game from the sideline with players I’ve admired for years. Not only was it an incredibly exciting game (double overtime win!), but it was an exciting opportunity that I hope to do again and again.

6. Lake Braddock Prom

Out of all three proms I did this year, I can safely say that this one was my favorite. It didn’t have the best venue or the best view, but from my perspective the kids had the most fun. The DJ’s did an amazing job hyping up the crowd and actually got the seniors to dance the entire night – something W-L and Yorktown proms failed to do. I found myself laughing at the wild teenagers and their dance circles, and I believe I took some of my favorite event photos ever thanks to them.

7. Rainbow Reunion

My mother decided to leave the preschool she’s been at for 10 years, and to celebrate a decade of amazing classes she hosted a Rainbow Reunion. Her class is named the “Rainbows,” so she decorated the gym in rainbow colors and activities to entertain her past and present students and parents. I had a great time photographing the event as she greeted students and parents as old friends, even if she hadn’t seen them in years. 15 year-olds played with 5 year-olds, and parents everywhere discussed how much of an amazing impact my mother has had on their families.

8. Stone Bridge Project Grad

As a last event before graduation, Stone Bridge High School seniors attended a massive all-night event: “Bulldogs in Paradise.” By completing activities and interacting with the events, students won tickets that could be traded in for prizes and gift cards. There was something for everyone: an entire gym dedicated to casino games, baby-picture guessing, frozen yogurt tasting, hair cuts, Wii games, inflatable obstacle courses, a mechanical bull, caricatures, and so much more.

9. Washington-Lee Drama One Act Festival

This year, a small group of theatre students at W-L put on a short play of Little Women. These young students were incredible talented, and are very proud of the fact that they did everything themselves: from writing to directing to performing the play, this production was 100% student-run.

10. Metta Montessori School Yearbook Photos

I had the pleasure of taking pictures for a preschool yearbook. The school hosts weekly yoga and emphasizes work and learning, which I was able to document quite excitedly.
