Surprise Proposal

Last weekend as I was walking back to my dorm after Nicole’s shoot, I stopped to see two students putting candles and rose petals on the Rock on the Quad. For those of you who don’t attend JMU, the Kissing Rock is a sort of legend. Back when the school was an all-girl’s college, the construction workers left this massive rock on the Quad because it was too expensive to remove it. Back in the old days, the girls weren’t allowed to be seen with young men without a dorm mother present, so they would hide behind the rock for some privacy. Thus, the Kissing Rock was born. Legend has it that whoever you kiss at the Rock will be the person you marry.

Although it is a tall tale, the spot remains to be a popular location for proposals, and I knew as soon as I saw these two students that a proposal was about to happen (the big sign saying “Will you marry me?” helped a bit too). I asked if I could take some pictures of the decorations because I had never seen the rock so adorned, and they let me go for it. After talking for a while, they decided to let me stay and take some photos of the proposal itself. Because I’ve never shot a proposal before, I was beyond excited, especially because one of the students was a photographer and they really didn’t need me there.

Right as the sun was setting, we got the text that the Ryan (the guy proposing) was on his way. Excitedly, we hid behind various trees and walls and awaited their arrival. Meanwhile, groups of intervarsity kids were running around on a scavenger hunt around the Quad. One of their objectives was to take a photo of one member proposing to another, and so they were of course drawn to our setup. We let the first couple groups take their photos, but as it got closer to Ryan’s arrival we had to run them away.

Finally, Ryan and his girlfriend Beth walked up the path towards the Rock. They climbed up together, and after about a minute, Ryan dropped to one knee. Happily, Beth said yes. They held hands the entire time. It was such a magical night, full of surprises for everyone (Ryan and Beth were certainly surprised to see me there, which was understandable). Congratulations you two, I’m so happy I could stay and take part of such a memorable moment for all of us.

I couldn’t even tell you how many candles and rose petals we put on the Rock, but it was absolutely beautiful and totally worth the clean-up.

The masterminds behind the preparation, and great friends to Ryan for helping him out on such a momentous occasion.
