Summer Self-Portraits

Throughout the last couple of years, I’ve experimented with self-portraiture on and off, never fully getting into it. A few weeks ago, I promised myself that this summer I would delve into the art and commit myself to at least a few sessions.  Not only does it help my personal expansion as a photographer, but allows me to learn more about portraiture from the model’s perspective – yours. I don’t have a photographer talking to me, but I can experience the insecurities and nervousness that comes from being on the other side of the camera. A few days ago, I completed my first session with serious excitement. I started small and stayed in my own backyard, with only one angle and one prop. I was nervous and still a little unsure, so I made sure to do the whole thing when my family was out of the house. You can actually see my progression throughout the short session as I became more comfortable with myself. After this first session, I’m much happier and confident in my choice to undertake self-portraiture, and I can’t wait to explore what I can do.
