A Bmonk Fall

I’m so happy that I have teammates that I can adventure with and spent time with almost every day of the week. Each semester, we spend some time off the frisbee field and explore our surroundings and have bonding activities. Sometimes I bring my camera and capture the moment, especially when we go to some pretty cool places. This fall, we made a checklist of autumn activities and we got most of them done before the semester got too heavy with work. Here are the highlights!

Only a few of us drove out to Chiles Peach Orchard, but the ones that did explored their apple rows and played with the light. We did what we needed to get the best apples, then we all tried to break open bad apples with our hands. Right before we left, we ran around the road getting cute pictures.

On our way back, we all stopped at an overlook and took in the view. Maddie and I stayed to do a little photo shoot, and she was SUCH a natural for being a first-time model. Look how good she is! When we got back to Harrisonburg, most of the rest of our team met us for dinner at Cracker Barrel, and we ate like champions.

Instead of practice one Sunday, we did a team hike near Massanutten. It didn’t go as planned, but we had quite a lot of fun. Half the cars got lost on the way there because of road closures, and the trail we picked didn’t have a clear peak so we accidentally went double the distance. When we did decide to stop, we did a bonding activity and opened up to each other. We learned a lot and gained a new sense of belonging, and it was incredible.

Also, the best view was definitely from the parking lot.

While taking photos for the JMU yearbook, I took my roommate to Heritage Bakery for the first time, where I’m currently writing this blog post. If you haven’t been, GO. They bake delicious desserts daily and have an assortment of amazing breakfast and lunch options.

Ana and I hiked Bearfence Trailhead for a sunrise hike, and it didn’t exactly go to plan, although it was a great experience. We didn’t realize that the trail had two different paths, and of course we accidentally took the wrong one and missed the prime sunrise spot. Although it was cold and we were running around like crazy trying to find the correct spot, it was an awesome adventure with one of my favorite people.

We also checked off super fall activities, like carving pumpkins in the team house. Pumpkins have been haunting the house ever since, but the experience was worth it.

Among many other photo shoots this semester, Ed proved that she’s the best model and is always down for my crazy ideas. In a mini-mentor session with our other teammate, we ran around my neighborhood and captured the last fall colors of the season.

I love my teammates and it’s been a great semester with them. I have a lot of plans for the spring with these girls, and I can’t wait to be with them on and off the field for my senior year.

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