Barns of Madison County Engagement | VA Wedding Photographer | Dana & Pauline

Photographing these two is a three-part roller coaster, complete with sudden turns, upside down loops, and moments of brief unconsciousness because the cart is going so fast. This is part two: the engagement session.

Hold on, where’s part one?

You’re right, dear reader, I never blogged part one. But if I did, it would look something like this:

A few months ago, I received a message from a young lady about wanting to propose to the love of her life. After countless emails, extremely detailed planning, secret text messages to make sure her girlfriend didn’t suspect anything, the day finally arrived. I drove to the cutest Lydia Mountain lodge during their weekend getaway and hid among the trees to await their arrival. After getting both my cameras ready, I lay down in the leaves when I saw them pull up and waited for the couple to appear on the porch of the cabin like we planned. I was so excited that I could hardly believe I didn’t just jump out of my hiding spot to congratulate the couple before the proposal had even happened. After a minute, I heard a bark and looked through the foliage to see that their dog had spotted me and was on the hunt! Dana (the woman who was about to propose) reeled back her dog and I breathed a sigh of relief, but it didn’t last. After the dog came back TWICE more, I was convinced my cover is blown. After nothing happened, I turned my attention to the porch to await the proposal. After a few more minutes, I heard my name being called. I walk out of the woods, and to my surprise, they explained that I had MISSED THE PROPOSAL and they were wondering why I hadn’t yet revealed myself as the photographer in the bushes. Apparently, the proposal had happened downhill, where I couldn’t see, and that I indeed had completely missed it. We laughed about the only two photos I took: one of their dog (who definitely caught me) and one of the couple to prove that I was there. 

And that, my friends, is why we are starting their story on part 2: the engagement shoot.

I almost missed it. Again. This poor couple.

This time I was ready to finally photograph Dana and Pauline for real. I packed up my bag, set Google Maps to take me to The Barns of Madison County, texted Dana that I couldn’t wait to see them, and then I was off. I planned to get there half an hour early, as I usually do for sessions, and I told myself that I would make a great second impression. Midway through the trip I completely lost my cell signal, but I calmed myself by saying that Google Maps was still working and that everything was going to be okay. (Narrator’s voice: “It was not going to be okay.”) The last directions that were given to me were to turn onto a hilly, rubble dirt road that ended in a fence. Concerned that I was not in the right place (Narrator’s voice: “She was not in the right place”), I continued along the road and knocked on the door of a house to ask for directions. No answer. Over the next 50 minutes I knocked on 8 doors, all with no answer. After trying multiple roads, attempting to call the couple while having no service, and trying to navigate the farmland of this county without a map, I pulled over feeling utterly defeated. I was 20 minutes late, beyond upset that I couldn’t find my couple, and disappointed in myself for letting them down again. I won’t lie, I cried. About two minutes after the tears started free falling, the search party (that they had sent out!) found me and led me to the barn.

Once there, we had the time of our lives. Dana, Pauline, and the wonderful caretakers of the barn all got a laugh out of my adventure, and we continued to have an amazing session. We started with an in-home session within the house on the property by pouring wine, eating pizza, playing cards, and cuddling on the couches. After a quick change, we ventured outside and explored the property. We were surrounded by 360 degrees of amazing Shenandoah beauty, complete with forested foothills, rolling fields, and animals. We ventured up to the restored barns on the property and were greeted by a horse! He modeled for us as Dana and Pauline twirled around the patio under the sparkling lights. To end the exciting day with a bang, the couple shot champagne at each other from across the field!

Dana and Pauline were the absolute best couple for this situation: not only did they get a laugh out of my misfortune BOTH times I photographed them, but they’re crazy enough to hire me for their wedding next fall!! Get ready for part three of the roller coaster, because we’re climbing the biggest hill on the track until September and I cannot WAIT until we reach the top.
