November Month of Education Week 4: How to Grow

After months of planning, the November Month of Education is finally here! For the entire month, daily education is posted on my Instagram and weekly blog recaps are posted on my website so you can come back any time! If you’re brand new to the game, thinking about starting a business, or already years into your work, this education is for you. We should never stop growing, so investing in education is the best thing you can do for yourself, regardless of what stage you’re in.

And this education is FREE. Who’s ready to get started??

Week 4 is all about how to grow. We’ve got the basics, we’ve got our style, now how do we grow a following and attract clients? This week I’m giving the best ways to build yourself a future.

Day 1: Start Now

I’ve said this a few times but the best time to start is right now. I’ve invested a lot of time into education over the years, and sometimes I would take notes, brainstorm, then put it away. That education didn’t help me until much later when I went back and actually applied what I was learning. You need to believe that now is your time, because it is. Let go of all your excuses that are holding you back from starting today. Schedule dedicated time for working on your business so you can’t push it off or say you don’t have enough time. Break down your goals into steps and tasks so you aren’t overwhelmed. Take it day by day. Go back and implement the strategies I’ve been giving you for three weeks and start using them today. If you have questions or want help with anything, my inbox is always open. This week I’ll be giving you specific and actionable steps to grow your business, but you need to have the basics down. If you have an idea of where you want to be, this week is going to be great.

Day 2: Free Education

Education is the most powerful tool in the world, and there is so much right at your fingertips. I’ve invested in education over the years, but most of my time has been spent finding FREE education online. I’ve attended countless webinars, watched hundreds of YouTube videos, read dozens of blogs, listened to so many podcasts, and spent hours scrolling through Instagram. I’ve filled notebooks with gold that has improved my business one step at a time. I’ve implemented what I learned, and after years of practice I’ve found what works best for me. I’ve made my own discoveries, but without online education I wouldn’t have gotten to them as quickly or as neatly. Although I highly suggest investing in courses about the things you need to work on made by people you admire, I equally suggest finding as much free material as you can. If you want suggestions, ask!

Day 3: Build Community

You’re not alone in your journey to entrepreneurship. There are thousands of other creatives out there along their paths to owning their own businesses, and together we can help and support each other. One of the best ways to get connected with them is through Facebook groups. I’m in over a dozen photographer and wedding groups, and every day people post questions, referrals, or suggestions. We support each other, help as much as we can, and connect through the group. If you’re looking to second shoot weddings, photographers are posting constantly that they need assistants. If you have questions about business, editing, or life, people will jump to answer you. If you’re looking to swap head shots or get coffee with people nearby, you’ll have a bunch of people that want to meet up. Find groups that are local to your area, that deal with your specific kind of business or type of photography, or are for education. It’s the best way to get connected with people and find opportunities!

Day 4: Practice

Once you start, it’s super important that you start implementing everything you learn. Practice is the best teacher, so do as much of it as you can! Most photographers start by building their portfolios and getting better each shoot. Get your friends and family to model for you, but let them know it’s for something specific so they don’t start to expect free images from you whenever they want. Tell them you want to test a new lens, or you have some posing ideas you want to try, or you really want to shoot in one location. Be specific and let them know it’s an honor to shoot with you! I still do this all the time with my friends and family when I want to test something out or I have a vision for something I want in my portfolio. Before jumping into weddings, find second shooting or assisting jobs and learn the trade and get images for your portfolio before you start advertising. Pull up Lightroom and practice editing photos with presets or by finding your own settings until you find a style you like. Try to practice every day and never stop learning.

Day 5: Be Consistent

I post on Instagram every day. One of my friends has two photographers in his life: me, and a guy who only posts on social media every once in a while when he has a shoot. This guy told me that when he thinks of a photographer, he thinks of me because I’m so consistently in the forefront of his mind. Not only was it a huge compliment, but it proves that consistency is key. You earn trust from your audience when they can expect you to deliver something and you deliver it. My audience knows that they’re going to see photos on my Instagram every day, a new blog post every week, and a Facebook post every week. Not only that, but they expect that the post will be a wedding, an engagement shoot, a senior, or an educational post. Not only that, but they expect that the images will be bright, natural, and fun. Once you find a style, be consistent with it and you will start to create a cultivated image for others to think of when they think of you. I don’t have a photo shoot every day, so instead I post photos from old shoots and recycle them every once in a while. Most people don’t remember, so they think everything is new. All your audience cares about is how consistent you are, and eventually their trust will build.

Day 6: Love Your Clients

Your best source for leads is word of mouth. When a client loves you and what you do for them, they post their pictures everywhere and tell their friends about you. You should love your clients as much as you can to serve them well and your business will get better and grow. Simple things can really make all the difference. Give them an easy experience to book with you, like using Honeybook. Give them gifts or information to surprise them and make them better prepared for their time with you. Be fantastic when you’re with them. Deliver more photos than they’re expecting and deliver them faster than you told them. Small and easy things really build up over time, and they add to your client experience. Instead of focusing on getting new and more clients, focus on the ones you have now, and your business will thank you for it in the future.

Day 7: Reach Out to Other Photographers

The last piece of advice I’m giving during this month of education is to reach out. Find photographers you like and ask them questions. Go to their website and blogs and see what they’re doing really well, and ask them for advice. Most small business owners love helping and educating people that are just starting out. I love when new photographers email or DM me with questions, because teaching is in my soul. If you’re looking for more guidance, seek a mentor. Some photographers have mentor sessions available and spend one-on-one time answering questions, giving feedback, and helping practice. And now, after years of unofficially teaching other photographers, I’m SO excited to announce that I am now officially offering mentor sessions!! In addition to free content on the blog and a new newsletter that will deliver free monthly education right into your inbox, I am now open to taking temporary and long-term mentees!! I offer Skype sessions for long-distance photographers, an in-person mentorship that includes a photoshoot and a Q&A session, and a year-long mentorship that includes monthly meetings, multiple shoots, and the opportunity to join me at a wedding. If you’re looking to take that leap into photography and you want an experienced professional to guide you, let’s start!!

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