
Highlights of 2019

Oh boy has 2019 been a YEAR. As all years are, it was a crazy roller coaster and the highs were some of the biggest peaks I’ve ever climbed. Before we go on to review the year and plan for 2020, here are some of the highlights from 2019:

– Photographed 6 weddings, 4 engagements, 11 JMU seniors on the Quad, 16 seniors and friends in and out of Harrisonburg, 7 dogs, and the most amazing Valentine’s Day proposal

Road-tripped with my best friend and we visited 11 states plus 2 Canadian provinces. We knocked off quite a few from our state drinks challenge!

– Studied abroad in London for three weeks and made my literature-loving heart burst with joy every day

– Drove along Skyline Drive more than 10 times and hiked several times

– Successfully completed my first Month of Education and launched a photographer education page with a newsletter for free education

And that’s just the stuff I can count. I redid my website so it reflects my Shenandoah adventurous spirit, implement behind the scenes workflows, improved my client experience, and found new and exciting ways to spread my love of photography. 2019 is a year to beat.

How I Accomplished my 2019 Goals

My goals for 2019 were achieved, but they were mostly life-long goals that I will continue into every year. First I wanted to continue my education. In addition to online webinars, blogs, Facebook groups, and paid online courses, I got really into podcasts this year. I’ve listened to every episode of Life with Amy & Jordan and Heart & Hustle, and I’m working my way through Goal Digger (I started at the beginning and I’m still on 2017 episodes!). When I want to switch it up, I listen to the Myths & Legends podcast to satisfy my story cravings. Each of these podcasts have given me countless ideas and the motivation to complete them. I couldn’t recommend them enough.

One other major goal was to have my website and social media reflect the experience with me and give a better sense of my life. This is still a work in progress as I learn to open up, but I’m proud of what my website has become. I still have lots of things to do with it, but these things will be revealed in time. Along with this, I wanted to improve my client experience from start to finish. This is a life-long goal and I will always strive to improve it.

My Goals for 2020

Every day I add more items to my to-do list and plan out big goals I have for my business and my life. I want to take myself to so many places and expand my boundaries as much as I can. I’m a huge dreamer and I love spending every second of my free time getting to places I want to be. Writing my goals for 2020 were hard, not because I didn’t have a solid grasp on them, but because I have too many that one year can possibly handle.

I’ve instead set aside goals for the year, goals for while I’m still in college (until May 2021), and goals for when I move away and start my teaching career. I have lifelong goals and dreams I write down on sticky notes and put on the bookshelf in front of my desk so I can see them every time I work. Instead of typing out all of these goals (because this blog post would never end), I’m just going to tell you my big and visible goals for 2020 that you can follow along with.

1. My biggest goal for 2020 is to continue to make free education for photographers. I’m so proud of the How to Find Your Style guide and it is just the tip of the iceberg for what I have in store. You can expect a lot of free education from me next year, especially if you sign up for my newsletter which will deliver free monthly education right into your inbox. If you’d like to see what I have already, head on over to my photographer education page!

2. Education is the biggest part of my life, and in addition to educating others I want to continue to learn for myself. Along with the usual research and community, I’m starting a reading list! Follow along with me as I read 12 business books in 2020. Each month, I will read one book and talk about it on my Instagram, and leave the floor open for those who want to follow along with #dmvportraitsreads. Because reading is my favorite thing to do, I have a goal of reading 52 books this year, including the 12 business books. If you have suggestions, I’d love to hear them!

3. I want to continue to explore my favorite place in the world: Shenandoah Valley, especially Skyline Drive. I’ve spent weeks up in the mountains and I hope to go on every hike it has to offer. I’ll be bringing you guys along as I continue to stop at every overlook, find the best sunrise and sunset locations, and find which hikes are the best for adventurous souls.

4. Lastly, I want to do things for me. I want to build intentional time for me to read, to go on road trips, to see my friends, and to enjoy my senior year in college as I start grad school. I plan to graduate with my undergraduate English degree in May and start my Masters in Education, which I’ll graduate with the next May with my teaching certificate.

There’s a lot of work coming my way in 2020, there’s no denying it. But even as I see these goals before me and look at my ever-growing list of to-dos, I feel excitement coursing through my veins, and I know I’m right where I’m meant to be. 2020, I’m coming for you.
